In order to provide a good and quality user experience, ClassiFind requires that all photos and images used in ads formats such as Listing Posts meet high quality standards. All images used in your ads must comply with the requirements below, and the image quality requirements in the Editorial policy.
Photos in landscape or Horizontal
To enhance the quality of your photographs and image presentation, ensure that the pictures are captured in a horizontal orientation, commonly known as landscape mode.
Image is not static
- Moving images or gif images, Not Allowed
Photoshopped background
- Images with photoshopped backgrounds that weren’t a part of the original photographic image, Not Allowed.
Logo overlay in image
- Images with logos that have been overlaid on top of the original photographic image, Not Allowed.
Note: A logo that shows because it was a part of the original photographic image (for example, a car’s make as captured on the original image of a car, or a credit card brand name that appears on the original image of the credit card) is acceptable.
Text overlay in image
- Images with text that have been overlaid on top of the original photographic image, Not Allowed.
Note: Text that shows because it was a part of the original photographic image (for example, a product name as captured on the original product image) is acceptable.
Image is a collage
- Images that are a combination of different images assembled together, Not Allowed.
Repetitive image
- Images that are identical to other images in the same ad, or very similar to other images in the same ad, with only minor differences, Not Allowed.
If you can’t edit the image to meet these requirements, upload a different image that complies with the policy.